To be able to do this, they also need to apply for and receive the official Visa Approval Letter before they go. There are two types of visa approval letter:
1. A approval shared letter: Your name will be on the letter along with up to 30 other names, most of whom you won’t even know. This means that each of those people will have received the same letter. The advantage is that this is a much cheaper version, but some people feel it lacks privacy. If this is you, go for version (b) below.
Version A Letter (shared)
2. A confidential letter of approval: This letter will have only your name on it. It could also have the names of your family or other traveling companions if you request it, but no stranger’s names. This will cost a little more.
Version B Letter (confidential)
You must print out the whole letter preferably in color if possible, but it’s ok if you only have a monochrome printer. Make sure you take it with you. Some airlines will ask to see it and it will be an essential part of the process of getting your visa once you get to Vietnam’s international airport, so must be presented at the VOA desk along with your passport.
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